Continuing Education Programs

banner image promoting Certificates in Interpretation and Translation Studies in New York City
image promoting Certificate Programs and Professional Development courses at Hunter Continuing Education in New York City
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Continuing Education Programs
& Professional Development

Continuing Education Programs
& Professional Development

Language Translation and Interpretation Studies

Combined Certificate in Translation & Interpretation Studies

Students receive instruction and expand work opportunities in both Translation and Interpretation Studies. Learn the basic skills needed to translate texts, improve technique, utilize resources and address general challenges. The class covers: legal translation, business and financial translation, translation for advertisement, medical translation, and editing and proofreading public service announcements.

badge image promoting Certificates in Translation and Interpretation Studies

Program Information

Translation/Interpretation Studies

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Combined Certificate in Translation & Interpretation Studies

Course and Program Details

image promoting the Certificate in Translation and Interpretation Studies in New York City
image promoting Spanish Language editing and Spanish Grammar courses in New York City
image promoting Spanish Grammar courses at Hunter Continuing Education
image promoting essential skills training and certificate courses in Language Translation and Interpretation Studies

Spanish Grammar Review (TSSPAGRA)

This course reviews basic Spanish grammar concepts such as common parts of speech, tenses and sentence structure, and emphasizes comprehension and text analysis. This course is conducted in Spanish and enables students to have a better understanding of Spanish as a source language for translation and interpretation.

Course is conducted in Spanish
image promoting Spanish Grammar courses at Hunter Continuing Education
image promoting Spanish Grammar courses at Hunter Continuing Education

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Open Houses will be done live online via Zoom. Click on the name of the Open House to register. If an Open House is still pending, you can click on the title to request a copy of the presentation from the most recent Open House.