Continuing Education Programs

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image promoting Certificate Programs and Professional Development courses at Hunter Continuing Education in New York City
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Continuing Education Programs
& Professional Development

Continuing Education Programs
& Professional Development

Legal Studies Certificates in New York City

Certificate in Legal Studies

Whether you are interested in a career as a Paralegal or are preparing to apply for Law School, our Certificate in Legal Studies helps you achieve your goal. The program consists of 5 required courses. Paralegals can assist attorneys and help provide top legal services to clients. The certificate provides a solid foundation in numerous fields, and typically find employment in a number of fields.

image promoting Hunter Continuing Education Certificate in Advanced Legal Studies in New York City

Program Information

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Legal Studies Course and Program Information and Schedule

Courses and Program Details

NOTE: If you would like take additional courses, you can do so and pay for each additional elective $550; if you complete between two or more electives, you will get an advanced certificate.

Criminal Procedure (LSCRIPRO)

The objectives of this course are to (1) learn the law of criminal procedure through an understanding of the principles of law by examining real problems, challenges and cases, (2) gain knowledge of constitutional rights in the context of criminal law, (3) focus on the concept of reasonableness of restraints on those rights, (4) gain an understanding of the public policy considerations underlying the substantive criminal law and the manner in which such policies are effectuated through criminal procedural requirements, and (5) study specific procedural law issue/requirements, including right to counsel, exclusionary rule; search warrant; permissible warrantless searches; stop and frisk, entrapment, wiretapping, confessions, lineups, jury selection, voir dire, negotiated pleas and post-conviction relief.

Elective (not offered this semester)