This course, which begins and ends in Dante’s journey to the worlds after death, will look at visions of the afterlife in Western literature which informed his magnificent Inferno: from Homer, Plato, and Vergil. All Epic heroes make a required visit to the “Otherworld” as witness for the dead and to receive lessons they may have for the living. Each of the works we read will introduce us to heroes sent on this difficult journey by Fate or force, for duty or for love; none return unchanged by their encounters. In all cases, lessons are learned to be shared with us. We’re likely to find that the ancient dead can teach us what these cultures thought made a good life - one worth living.
Readings will include selections from Dante’s Inferno, Homer’s Odyssey, Plato’s Republic and Apology, and Vergil’s Aeneid. All students should purchase a copy of the Mandelbaum (trans.) Inferno (available in pbk on Amazon); all other texts will be provided in xeroxed form.